Take control of your Retirement
and position yourself to...
In this e-book guide, you’ll learn why it’s important you take 100% control of your retirement even if you are currently using a financial advisor. We share retirement facts, that many advisors don’t know or share, that will determine your financial happiness in retirement. The book covers more than just saving money and covers how to manage market and life risks that can wipe out your retirement. Life happens and we’ll guide you to dialing in the optimal retirement so you can move forward with confidence.
Get a copy of the FREE e-book and take control of your retirement today and retire happy.

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A guide to creating a financially happy retirement.
Everyone wants to retire happy but not everyone will. If you leave it up to chance you are risking your financial future and happiness in retirement. Learn how to take control of your retirement and let us guide you to creating a financially happy retirement.
Are you a public or federal employee with a pension? You need to know the details of your pension or risk not achieving your retirement goals. Many public and federal employee pensions are getting cut short and grossly underfunded.
If you are a small business owner or self-employed this book highlights retirement plans & strategies that are used by the wealthy to maximize your retirement income and minimize your taxes. Ideal for Dentists, Chiropractors, Doctors, Attorneys, and other highly compensated business professionals.
In the e-book and workshop, we show you how to create the optimal retirement plan for you that puts you in the drivers seat.
- Get a complete retirement income plan that gives you confidence with your retirement.
- Know why retirement planning is more important today than 20 years ago.
- How to offset market risk and create a guaranteed lifetime income.
- Learn how to create a Tax-Free retirement.
- For public & federal employees, understand the problems and future retirement risk with your retirement pension and why they are grossly underfunded.
- Common retirement myths that cause you to fall short of your goals.
- How to Identify potential market risk and what is eating at your retirement savings.
- Understand Taxes and Social Security and what it means for you in retirement.
- Social Security benefits for public sector employees and what you will not get that you might be planning on.
- The rising cost of health care and what you can do to minimize out-of-pocket expenses when you are on Medicare.
- Inflation and how it’s robbing your retirement.
- How to Protect your retirement from life’s unexpected.
- Strategies on how to free up money to increase your retirement savings.
- Retirement analysis and tools to help you get on the right track.

Special section in the e-book and workshop for Public Employees with a pension and Small Business Owners. Important information you need to know that can affect your retirement savings.
Download the free Retire Happy Planning Guide and or sign up for our free virtual workshop.
Who this is for? Everyone can benefit from the e-book and workshop. Information specifically for public employees with a pension, small business owners, and self-employed individuals. You fall into that category where your retirement is not the typical employee with a 401K. You have unique circumstances, that many advisors don’t know or share, that need to be taken into consideration to secure a financially happy retirement.
Focus | Goals | Plan
Focus on the important lifestyle and financial goals to create the retirement income you dream of.
Avoid Costly Mistakes
Avoid mistakes that jeopordize your retirment income plan and how to easily monitor and adjust your plan.
Plan Analysis
Get a retirement income plan analysis that identifies risk, gaps, and funding rquirements to achieve your goals.
Address Your Concerns
Identify and address your concerns so you can mange them with little suprises when you retire.
Learn to Navigate
Navigate the complexity of retirement to create a plan that provides you with confidence.
Consider all Strategies
Know strategies that many advisors don't know or won't share that are used by the rich.
Take Control of Your Retirement
When you have a solid foundation, the sky is the limit!
We believe to create that solid foundation and a happy retirement requires you to be 100% in control. After all, it is your future retirement we are talking about.
There are many strategies and solutions that the typical advisor doesn’t know or won’t share because it doesn’t benefit them. Our goal is to create awareness of all the retirement income and protection solutions that are available so can choose which is right for you.
Educational Resources
The book and workshops are the first step toward creating awareness of what's important for you when planning your retirement.
Planning & Analysis Tools
When you work with our financial professionals we assist you in creating a retirement snapshot so you have insights to what your retirement income may look like when you retire.
Personal Financial Guide
You can choose to work with one of our financial professionals that will be your partner and guide in creating your optimal retirement income plan.
Below are a just few retirement facts that are the reason you need to take control of your retirement today.
- US Debt – $34 Trillion – Real-time debt clock: https://www.usdebtclock.org
- 2022 Inflation 8% and rising.
- Taxes on the rise and IRS is hiring 87,000 IRS agents.
- US median home prices are at an all-time high.
- If you experience a 20% loss you need to achieve 25% gains to restore the loss.
- Based on historical returns of the S&P 500 Index over the past 40 years, a loss of 35% will require several years to recover.
- 64% of Americans are not prepared for retirement — and 48% don’t care
- #1 reason people file for bankruptcy is due to medical expenses and 72% of people had some form of medical insurance.
- Almost one in four American cancer survivors said they struggled to pay medical bills, according to a new CDC report, and one-third have worried about their out-of-pocket medical costs.